Happy New Year!! The first Harps Across America blog for 2020 is here but the picture to go with it is from 2019.
This photo represents a memorable gig story though not in the way you might think.
Last fall my band, Painted Trillium, and I were playing at an outdoor festival. Anytime we play outdoors we always check the forecast to know what we need to bring. That day it assured us that no rain was coming. But right in the middle of our set the sky suddenly became very dark. Quickly, I pulled out my phone to look at the forecast and it again said no rain. Not surprisingly I was suspicions but with no rain falling we decided to continue the show.
Right as we started playing the first few notes of our next song it started to drizzle. Thankfully, there was a shop nearby that agreed to let us keep our instruments and gear inside temporary to stay dry. As we rushed to get everything packed and taken into the shop the light drizzle became a downpour. It became complete chaos rushing to get all the instruments and gear to safety. We were soaked through by the time we got everything inside but the story doesn’t end there.
The shop owner was incredibly sweet to let keep our stuff out of the rain but it was in the way of customers looking at his merchandise. So once we got everything sort of organized we had to take it to the back stage area which was on the other side of where we were located. The rain had not let up and it took about 5 trips back and forth to get cleared out of the shop. It’s definitely a day I will never forget.