My SLAP tear recovery has life moving at a bit of a slower pace. Any movement that causes my shoulder pain makes me a bit worried I’ve messed up my surgery. It’s probably because I’ve waited over 15 years to get my shoulder fixed and I would hate to do anything to mess the recovery process up. But while I recover I am in process of booking shows for the summer and learning how to play melody on the harp using my left hand for several shows coming up. With live music coming back and hopefully all my surgeries behind me I have feeling I will be able to give you more content on this site.

This post is one where I wanted to go back in time to the Atlas Intersections Festival 2022 which was held in February. I wanted to thank all of you so much for coming out and supporting me at this event and I wanted to share some behind the scenes pictures with you of a night you made so memorable 😊
